Friday, January 31, 2020

Politics Comment 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Politics Comment 1 - Essay Example â€Å"Even after visiting the likely hiding places around Baghdad, the coalition found no convincing proof that Iraq retained stocks of chemical and biological weapons, or that Saddam had been trying to build a nuclear bomb† (Richie, p. 91). And still American troops remain in Iraq and as a result terror is being felt by the people, not from a dictatorial regime, but from being unnecessarily caught up in the crossfire between insurgents and American troops. U.S. invasion of Iraq has been an instrument of manipulation with underlying reasons not related to discovering and disarming weapons of mass destruction. â€Å"U.S. soldiers has no right to occupy a sovereign nation, outside of international law, and doubly so because it was done under false pretenses† (Tremblay, p. 203). Such false pretenses, experts claim, mask the ulterior motive of the U.S. of wanting to maintain control over Iraqi oil fields and to placate political conservatives who want to make the Middle Eas t safe for Israel (Mueller, p. 137). When the U.S Congress authorized the sending of troops to Iraq, it agreed to do so in order to â€Å"defend the national security of the US from the threat posed by Iraq† (Congressional Resolution 296-133 in the House; 77-23 in the Senate, as quoted by Levin, Editorials). With the fall of Saddam Hussein, Iraq no longer poses a threat to US security. Many experts argue that when illegal troops occupy a country, any violent means adapted by the country’s citizens to depose illegal occupants can be classified as guerrilla warfare. Guerrilla warfare is a war waged by the people to express their protest and outrage against forces that threaten their independence and sovereignty. â€Å"It is a defensive type of war against a foreign invader† (Eland, as quoted by Knickerbocker â€Å"Specials†). And interest groups emphasize that this type of warfare usually does not stop until the

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Fanny Fern :: Sarah Willis Parton

For my third reaction paper I decided to write about Fanny Fern. Sarah Willis Parton, her real name, was the woman who was perseverant and trusted her own mind and followed her heart to do what she thought was best. Due to her determination she was able to make big achievements, â€Å"†¦one of the first women in the United States to have her own newspaper column, and for years, famous as â€Å"Fanny Fern†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (806). She has written many papers like Male Criticism, A Law More Nice Than Just and Fresh Leaves, etc†¦ While reading some of her writings I decided on analyzing a column which she published in 1858, A Law More Nice Than Just. This is a volume that speaks about Fanny Fern and her way of thinking on how men think of women and what are there reactions. The first â€Å"attack† is that women are not allowed to wear pants, this is only an action for men, â€Å"†¦Emma Wilson was arrested yesterday for wearing man’s apparel† (810). Why, should men be the only ones to wear pants, when there is supposed to be equality for both sexes. This is just that, a sexist idea, because women have the same right and that does not make them more or less feminine than those who wear pants, skirts or dresses all the time. Women are expected to be all day home waiting, for what? Who knows, just they know, because when they do go out they have to confront the â€Å"†¦rainy-day philanthropists who are interested in the public study of female anatomy† (810). This is absolutely not fair because when we come to see the ones who are more persistent and can say that they wear pants are the women because in the same example given before about the rainy days, women are the ones who have to suffer day in and day out to maintain a cordial look with there skirts all full of mud and all wet while men have it easier and are going about that they are the independent kind. Fanny shows us her strength of mind while wanting to break boundaries. She will not support the fact that men have it all figured out. But since she is so intelligent, she is a woman of course, she decided to go out dressed as a man, with her husbands clothes. She wore the whole set of

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Money Bring Happiness

â€Å"It is not money that brings up happiness but what we do and how we do it† 309 Money is most often cited as a crucial material for people to satisfy their needs ranged from the simplest to the most complicated desire. Hence, many people spend their whole life seeking for money which offers them utmost happiness and super power. In contrast, I honestly believe that it is not money that brings up happiness but what we do and how we do it.Speaking of mentality, money is not necessary and sufficient condition leading us to happiness. What is happiness? Simply speaking, happiness is the way people feel satisfied with what they have. Let’s me back it up by some illustrations. A poet will definitely feel sublimated when he finishes composing a masterpiece of poem. A stamp collection will obviously happy with looking and treasuring his stamps. Even an old man can smile for whole day if he wins a game of chess.Doubtlessly, in such cases, money plays no role in the humans fe eling. Hence, I completely believe that people can feel extremely pleased and happy without any interference from money. Moreover, to tell the truth, being absorbed in earning money can result in the loss of happiness of the people in life. In the materialized world, people keep on intending which is the best way to invest their money, what the most profitable market segment is worthy to be put money in and who is the most suitable person who will control the portfolio.The people obsessed with money can easily forget their actually meaningful tasks such as caring for their families, having time with their friends†¦etc. They trap themselves in the materialized ambition and lose what are important to their life. How can they feel happy? To wrap up, in my perspective, happiness can’t be built up solely on money. That’s the reason we should care for many facets of life rather than money.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Sociology Can B - / - ( - ) - 2187 Words

Introduction Sociology can bÐ µ dÐ µfinÐ µd as thÐ µ study of human bÐ µings as social animals, it is a sciÐ µntific study of social phÐ µnomÐ µnon, human intÐ µraction and culturÐ µ, and it attÐ µmpts to Ð µxplain thÐ µ social worlds of individuals and groups and how thÐ µy intÐ µract. Sociological thÐ µory attÐ µmpts to look bÐ µyond common sÐ µnsÐ µ Ð µxplanations. Sociology as with othÐ µr social sciÐ µncÐ µs has its roots in philosophy and has dÐ µvÐ µlopÐ µd thÐ µoriÐ µs to Ð µxplain bÐ µhaviour and rÐ µlationships within sociÐ µty. Sociology can bÐ µ dividÐ µd into two main camps, structural and action thÐ µoriÐ µs. This Ð µssay will attÐ µmpt to Ð µxplain thÐ µsÐ µ thÐ µoriÐ µs within diffÐ µrÐ µnt aspÐ µcts of sociÐ µty, how thÐ µy affÐ µct sociÐ µty as a wholÐ µ. It will thÐ µn go on to Ð µvaluatÐ µ thÐ µ strÐ µngths and wÐ µaknÐ µss within thÐ µ thÐ µoriÐ µs. ThÐ µ consÐ µnsus thÐ µory is a study of sociÐ µty as a wholÐ µ (thÐ µ Macro sociology). It focusÐ µs on what binds sociÐ µty togÐ µthÐ µr and Ð µxistÐ µncÐ µ of consÐ µnsus (agrÐ µÃ µmÐ µnt) with sociÐ µtiÐ µs madÐ µ up of various social institutions. ЕmilÐ µ DurkhÐ µim (1855-1917), thÐ µ foundÐ µr of thÐ µ functionalist thÐ µory bÐ µliÐ µvÐ µd that sociÐ µty was a complÐ µx Ð µconomic systÐ µm with a sophisticatÐ µd division of labour; hÐ µ saw thÐ µ division of labour as social institutions. DurkhÐ µim sought to comprÐ µhÐ µnd thÐ µ utility of social and cultural traits by Ð µxplaining thÐ µm in tÐ µrms of thÐ µir contributors to thÐ µ coopÐ µration of an ovÐ µr all systÐ µm, thÐ µ cohÐ µsivÐ µ bonds of social ordÐ µr and how thÐ µ loss of thÐ µ commonly hÐ µld valvÐ µs lÐ µads to social instability and disoriÐ µntation of thÐ µ individual.Show MoreRelatedWhy An Independent Variable Affects A Dependent Variable888 Words   |  4 Pages Surveys and Experiments, Longitudinal studies, are two significant methods of research used in Sociology. 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